Cybersecurity training

Secure cyber architectures of industrial systems

Cybersecurity is at the heart of business concerns. First of all, at the level of the network architecture where the attacks arrive via the use of APT[1]. Also at the level of constant web applications constantly on the Internet, but also at the hardware level, where intellectual property and sensitive data is a major issue for manufacturers.

SERMA Safety & Security, with its 20 years of experience as a training organisation, is developing its offer with the Hacking embedded systems & IoT training (details below), the Web application security training (details below) and launched in May a new training: Secure cyber architectures of industrial systems. This new training aims to educate industrial system architects on cybersecurity challenges that may affect their production, image and turnover. This training is accompanied by technical demonstrations and practical work based on a reduced model of toxic waste sorting plant.

Details of our training:

Hacking embedded systems & IoT
This ever-evolving training aims to understand the security weaknesses of embedded systems, master attack techniques used by hackers to know how to limit impacts, learn to secure embedded systems from the design phase and understand the vulnerabilities to be able to then limit the risks.


  • Training Sessions at Serma at our site in Rennes: 15th May and 11th September 2019 in Rennes: Metropolis Business Center, 2 Rue de Jouanet, 35700 Rennes
  • Company In-House training available all year round upon request

Web application security
This training aims to make teams aware of the issues surrounding secure development, to transmit to the employee’s good practices to secure development while presenting the risks associated with bad practices and learn how to secure your code, depending on the technology used.

[1] An Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) is a stealthy computer network attack in which a person or group gains unauthorised access to a network and remains undetected for an extended period.

Contact :

Mail : formation@serma.com
Tel : +33 (0)5 57 26 29 92


SERMA Safety and Security and LCIE Bureau Veritas combine their expertise to facilitate IEC 62443 certification for industrial companies.

Questionnaire directive NIS 2

How to determine if I am eligible for the NIS 2 Directive?


PASSI LPM Qualification